
Role & 工作描述

在当今以数字为中心的经济中,计算机程序员的工作至关重要, 这就是为什么这个领域的职位空缺在不断增加.

程序员为计算机程序和移动应用程序编写代码. They also are involved in maintaining, 对系统和软件进行调试和故障排除,以确保一切正常运行.

编程技能对于许多技术学科来说都是必不可少的, 但对软件和网络开发职位的需求尤其高. 根据 US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), web development jobs are projected to grow by as much as 17% from 2022-2032.

如果你正在寻找一份初级技术工作,有充足的职业发展和专业化机会, computer programming could be the right path for you.

PCB Board in a Programmer's Computer

What do computer programmers do?

在一个典型的日子里,一个计算机程序员可以参与许多不同的编码幸运28计划. 日常工作可能包括:

  • Writing and testing code for new programs. Computer programmers work closely with web and 软件开发人员 为新的移动应用程序或计算机程序编写代码. 在某些情况下, programmers might have a similar role to web designers, 创建外观, feel and functionality of a new software program. Writing new code often involves a lot of trial and error. 计算机程序员有很强的批判性思维和解决问题的能力, and enjoy using logic to solve complex problems.
  • 更新现有程序. 程序员还为现有的软件程序创建和安装更新. 更新可能包括错误修复,或增强功能以改善用户体验. Depending on the complexity of the update, 这些幸运28计划可能需要几天到几个月的时间.
  • Identifying and correcting coding errors. 在日常生活中, 计算机程序员可以帮助排除网站或计算机程序中不能正常运行的部分. Often, problems are a result of an error in the code, 程序员可以帮助快速识别和纠正错误.
  • Rewriting programs for different operating systems. Often, programmers have to rewrite code in a different languages, 使程序和应用程序能够与不同的操作系统兼容. For example, Windows and OS X programs are coded differently. 一些程序员接受过用SaaS代码编写新应用程序的培训, which works across both operating systems.
  • Secure programs against 网络安全 threats. Many computer programmers work in the 网络安全 field, 帮助识别恶意软件并修复可能容易受到潜在黑客攻击的软件. 此外,程序员可以编写防止安全漏洞和数据泄露的代码. As the number and severity of cyber-attacks increases, demand for information security experts continues to rise. 事实上, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 预计到2031年,信息安全分析师的就业将增长35%, adding 56,新增500个工作岗位.

类开始 July 8th


How much do computer programmers make?

The average salary for computer programmers is $107,750 每年($51.80 每小时)根据 BLS data. 请记住,这不是入门级工资,你需要在获得学位并获得第一份工作后努力达到这个水平. 发现 average computer programmer salary by state to determine a closer estimate in your region.

计算机编程的入门级工作提供了向上晋升到更高级、薪水更高的职位的机会. In fact, programming skills are the foundation for almost any 排名第一的技术工作 今天,例如: 

  • 计算机系统分析员
  • 数据库管理员
  • 安全分析师
  • 硬件工程师
  • 软件开发人员
  • 网页设计师

What are the benefits of a programming career?

编程是一项有价值的技能,它可以让你在各种领域寻求机会, 包括金融, healthcare, graphic design or digital marketing.

许多程序员还享受灵活的工作时间和远程工作的选择等福利, 根据 BLS.

How do I become a computer programmer?

计算机编程学士学位可以让你为各种入门级编程职位做好准备. Herzing大学’s computer programming bachelor degree program 可以在短短36个月内在线完成,并为学生提供基本技术技能的实践培训, such as:

  • 高级web开发
  • 面向对象编程
  • Software development and testing
  • Mobile applications development 
  • 数据仓库

持续学习对程序员来说很重要,因为编码语言是不断变化和发展的. 许多编程专业人员将在特定的编码语言中寻求额外的认证, 例如c++或JavaScript. 一些技术公司甚至可能有自己的特定于供应商的编码语言, 并要求他们的员工获得这些额外语言的认证.

What are my opportunities for advancement?

获得商业硕士水平的教育可以帮助程序员进入管理和领导角色, like IT经理 或者计算机系统分析师. Herzing的计算机编程学位课程提供双学分选择, allowing students to earn up to 12 credits toward an MBA as an undergraduate, saving time and money on both degrees.

进一步了解软件下载的 技术学位路径 并了解如何从今天开始你的计算机编程生涯.



* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.



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