


你有经验,你会通过面试的 和 你会巩固你的机会 一个遵循-发邮件给招聘委员会是不会很快忘记的.

For something so commonplace, emails can still be a tricky form of communication. 虽然这很容易 写一封糟糕的邮件, the good ones do take some thoughtful consideration, especially when it matters the most. 想象一次最棒的面试, only to learn later that it was the poorly crafted follow-up that cost you the job. 

你有经验,你会通过面试的 和 你会巩固你的机会 一个遵循-发邮件给招聘委员会是不会很快忘记的.



When starting any communication, keep the three Cs in mind: be considerate, concise 和 courteous. 然后利用 基本的电子邮件礼仪 to demonstrate to the interviewer that you are professional 和 friendly—traits that are always favorable in a c和idate. 

  • 跟进并心存感激. The easiest way to fail at 一个遵循-up email is by not writing one. The interviewer took time out of their day to meet with you 和 it is kind to acknowledge that with genuine appreciation. Sending a note of thanks also allows you to add more of your personality in what is usually a formal setting.
  • 重申你的优点和资历. 告诉面试官你喜欢你们讨论的哪一点, 如果有让你兴奋的幸运28计划, or reiterate why you feel that your qualifications would be a good fit. An interviewer might see many c和idates for one position 和 having a highlight reel to associate with you will help you st和 out from the crowd. 
  • 提供进一步的背景信息. If the interviewer explicitly asks for more context about your work experience, 比如额外的 撰写相关作品的示例或链接, 一定要贴最干净的, easiest-to-open version of the document to avoid technical glitches. Remember to be deliberate with what you send; the interviewer doesn’t want to sift through several documents to find what is relevant.
  • 如果可以的话,直接询问接下来的步骤. Ask what the next steps in the interview process are or when a decision is expected, 然后就到此为止. 虽然再次伸出援手很诱人, 你想让你的名字留在"雇佣"类别里, not as someone who comes across as annoying or potentially problematic.
  • 仔细检查你的工作. 确保你的邮件语气不要太随意, 到处都是错别字, 没有提供相关的信息或者太长. Proofread before you hit send to make sure the impression you want to give matches what the interviewer will read.  


软件下载写作的方式是软件下载个性的延伸, 当你和未来的雇主谈话时, you want to make sure you are consistently presenting yourself in the best light. 


  • 面试后24小时内跟进. Keep the tone friendly 和 the mess年龄 concise 和 be sure to thank them for their time. 如果您要发送附加信息, 例如链接和引用, take the time to ensure that what you are sending is in pristine condition, 没有错别字, 断开的链接或格式问题.
  • 有没有一种让面试官更容易了解你的方法, such as a personal website, online portfolio or an updated LinkedIn profile. It lets the interviewer get a more complete picture of you as a person 和 is an easy way to further highlight your abilities. 
  • 清理你的社交媒体. Be sure your online presence is cleaned up 和 appropriate; interviewers don’t want to stumble upon your personal blog 和 photos on social media that could be construed as inappropriate or problematic.


  • 发送笑话、表情包、动图或表情符号they are too casual 和 could be construed as inappropriate in this setting. 即使面试官看起来很喜欢你的幽默, the purpose of the follow-up email is to show your worthiness as an employee. 这不是友谊的试镜. 
  • 走极端. The interviewer is busy 和 repeatedly sending follow-up emails or phone calls will look less like an e年龄r c和idate 和 more like an annoyance. Respect their time 和 their process by being restrained in your communication. 

在求职面试技巧方面寻求更多帮助? 联系 Herzing大学就业中心 查看模拟面试, 简历评估工具, 和 more resources designed specifically with your next job search in mind. 



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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